The Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother (SSM) both serve and empower the poor by sharing God’s love through ministry and prayer. We are skilled teachers, compassionate caregivers, attentive counselors, caring friends and gentle companions to those in need–the sick, the poor, the young, the old and those in crisis.
Inspired by St. Francis, St. Clare and our Foundress, Mother Frances Streitel, we live simply, give generously, and have a deep respect and loving concern for all of creation. Through prayer and work, we bring fuller life to others.
Our Sisters can be found in the United States, the Caribbean Islands of Grenada, St. Lucia, Trinidad and the Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Austria, Brazil and Tanzania.
SSM Franciscan Courts in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is the retirement home of the Sisters.
Read more about the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother on our Web sites:
SSM Congregation Site – Rome: www.ssmgen.org
St. Clare of Assisi Region: www.sistersofthesorrowfulmother.org